Ali The Expert


The Best Way to Learn Coding

The Best Way to Learn Coding

What is the most effective approach to learning to code?

Consider what would happen if I lost all I learned about programming and had to start from scratch. What would I change to ensure that I became a proficient programmer as soon as possible? In this essay, I’ll walk you through the steps I’d take if I were beginning from scratch with programming.

1. Observe the content

The first thing I’d do is get as much programming content as possible. It doesn’t matter if it’s web development, game development, desktop development, or software development; just soak it all in. In general, try to absorb as much information as possible. Don’t let this period drag on too long; instead, devote a few weeks, if not a month, to it. Just consuming information to see what’s out there and what gets you excited? What irritates you the most? What do you enjoy doing? What is it about it that you don’t like?

2. Small project

What I’d recommend doing at the start is making sure you’re familiar with the fundamentals. You’ll need to memorize them, but instead of drilling them over and over, try to come up with some creative ways to incorporate them into your everyday life. If you have an idea for a modest cool project, don’t make it large; keep it small, so it’s doable. Simply try to discover something enjoyable that you can construct and build it. You will struggle, and it won’t be easy, but you will be so happy about this endeavour. You’ll find yourself looking things up and learning things far more quickly.

3. Find a course or road map to follow.

You need to find a well-structured program that will take you from zero to 100, or at the very least, zero to 20. It doesn’t matter; you only need some instructions to get you from point “a” to point “b.” There are several tools available, including numerous YouTube playlists, that will assist you with this.

4. Apply your skills as you learn.

You’re taking that course to put what you’ve learned into practice. If the course includes projects, those are excellent opportunities to put your knowledge to use. However, these aren’t the greatest options if all of the tasks are like a trek through a maze of handheld crafts where the teacher instructs you on what to complete.
Rather, you must be able to push yourself to complete your projects. So, for example, you’re in a class where you’re supposed to construct these portable projects before they show you how to do it.
Because the true test of a coder isn’t knowing all the abilities but rather understanding how to figure things out, what do you think you don’t know? Do you know how to do research? And look things up on the internet, asking questions to find out what’s wrong. Because you are a problem solver, you are attempting to solve it. So, if all you ever do is watch videos where people solve your problems for you, you’re in trouble. You’re learning programming ideas but not how to become a programmer, which is the true key here. You must learn how to program because programmers are those who solve issues.

5. Build a large project

Try to create a larger project. Until now, you’ve been working on small toy tasks that take just a few hours, a few days, or even a week or two to complete. The next option is to start building a project that will take you many weeks, or even months, to complete.
I want it to be a large-scale project to which you can devote a huge amount of effort because the problems you encounter on small projects versus large projects are vastly different. Of course, you’ll encounter many things like syntactic issues and other minor issues no matter what size project you work on. Still, things like maintaining cleanliness, scalability, and other more advanced issues are not encountered on small projects.
If you’re building a modal, it doesn’t consider how messy your code is because it’s so small that you can just read it all, but if you’re going to build the next Facebook, code cleanliness is the most important element in your code. Now, I don’t recommend building a project that’s way too big, but try to find something you can fit into a few weeks or months, and you’ll notice that as you write out your code, it’ll start pretty easily as you get more experience.
Making blunders Seeing those flaws and then learning how to update your code to remedy those issues, so this huge project will be a teaching moment for you that says, “Okay, I know how to program, but now I know how to program properly.” So after you construct that enormous project, you’ll be there.