Ali The Expert


20 Git Commands Every Developer Should Know

A month or two ago, I wrote an article called How to Get Started with GitHub and Git [FoolProof. If you have no experience with Git or GitHub, I strongly recommend you read it. By the end of that article, you should have a thorough understanding of how to use these tools for your own projects.

In this article, I just want to lay down a quick cheat sheet. It will include commands that I shared in that first article, but it will also include some new git commands. Recently, for various senior projects, I have been collaborating with different teams. There are a few commands that have become a staple for me.

1. git init

2. git remote add origin (link-to-github-remote-repo)

git remote add origin

3. git remote

4. git status

5. git add (file name)

git add index.html

git add index.html style.css style.scss


git add .

This command is used to stage ALL unstaged files.

6. git reset

This command is used to unstage files.

7. git commit

This command is used to commit staged files.

git commit -m “commit message here”


git commit -m “added navigation bar”

This command is used to commit staged files AND provide a commit message for the commit history.

8. git push -u origin (branch-name)


git push -u origin master

This command is used to push committed files to the remote repository(aka GitHub) in the specified branch. Use this command for the very first time you push files to the remote repository. It will establish where you are pushing these files to. The next time(s) you push files, you can use git push

git push

This command is used to push committed files to the remote repository. You can only use this command to push files to the remote repository AFTER having pushed files using the previous command.

9. git fetch

This command is used to fetch the most updated version of your local repository. It checks for new files, new branches, deletions etc.

10. git pull

This command is used to take that information you just fetched and pull it into your local repository. This updates your local repository to the most updated version of your remote repository.

11. git rm -r — cached (fileName)


git rm -r — cached config.js

This command is used to remove a file from the remote repository(GitHub) without deleting it in your local repository.

12. git branch

This command is used to preview the branch you are currently on

git branch -a

This command is used to preview all the branches in your local and remote repository.

git branch -r

This command is used to preview all the branches in your local repository (aka branches you have already visited).

git branch (branch-name)

This command is used to create a new branch in your local repository.

13. git checkout — track origin/(branch-name)


git checkout --track origin/develop
This command is used to switch branches. This is specifically for when you are visiting a branch (created in GitHub/remote repository) for the very first time.

14. git checkout (branch-name)


git checkout master
git checkout develop

15. git merge (branch name)

This command is used to merge two branches together. To do this, enter the branch that you want to inherit the changes. And the branch name you would use along with this command is the branch that will provide the changes.

Example:master branch will inherit code from develop branch

git merge develop

16. git merge — abort

This command is used to abort a merge.
If there are no conflict errors, merges will always be successful. Ergo, this abort can only be used in situations where a merge failed.
How will you know this can be used?
For starters, your terminal will say merge failed. It may also tell you to fix the merge conflicts.
Here is another sign:
Look at the very end of the first line. In parentheses, it says (master) . This is because we are in the master branch. If you are in the develop branch, it would say (develop).

17. git merge -X theirs (branch name)


git merge -X theirs develop
This command is used to merge two branches together. And if there are merging conflicts, this command will just assume that you’d prefer the changes made in the mentioned branch (rather than the current one).

18. git reset — hard HEAD

19. git clean -f

20. git clean -d